Thursday, July 30, 2009

202 Useful Exercises for IELTS


202 Useful Exercises for IELTS is a book of exercises for both Academic and General training modules.

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OpenSolaris Bible

Paperback: 1008 pages
Publisher: Wiley; 1 edition (February 12, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0470385480
ISBN-13: 978-0470385487
Format: PDF

Description: After a beginning overview of the history of OpenSolaris, its open-source licensing, and the community development model, this book then goes on to highlight the aspects of OpenSolaris that differ from more familiar operating systems. You’ll learn how to become a power user of OpenSolaris by maximizing the abilities of advanced features like Dtrace, the fault management architecture, ZFS, the service management facility, and Zones. Authors provide insider tips, unique tricks, and practical examples to help you stay sharp with the latest features of OpenSolaris.


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Photoshop CS3 A–Z

d features illustrated ready reference
Philip Andrews | ISBN 978-0-240-52065-0 | PDF | 321 pgs | 37mb

The CS3 version, just like the releases before it, is a state-of-the-art image-editing program full of the features and functions that digital photographers and desktop image makers desire the most.
In fact, the program has become so comprehensive that producing an illustrated A–Z book like this one is not just a nicety, but has become a necessity. The software covers so many areas that Photoshop users needed a quick ready reference guide to all the major tools and features.
All entries include shortcut keys, menu locations and are cross-referenced to other Photoshop features that relate. Many features also include step-by-step guides to their usage and extended visual examples of the effects of using different settings on your pictures.
Keep this ready reference handy for all those occasions when you ask yourself ‘What does that do?’
But most of all keep enjoying your digital image making!

Code: CS3 AtoZ.pdf

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Pro Tools All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies

Jeff Strong, «Pro Tools All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies»
For Dummies | ISBN: 0470239476 | 2008 | PDF | 720 pages | 19.06 MB

8 books in 1 — from miking to mixing to mastering. Your one-stop guide to the software and hardware that make music magic. When you add Pro Tools to your home recording studio, you have the software used to create hit records. When you add this book to your bookshelf, you get the insight you need to capture your sounds, edit your tracks, create a mix, and master your songs for the world to hear. Add in your talent and you're on your way to music stardom.

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Laptops All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies

Corey Sandler, «Laptops All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies»
For Dummies | ISBN: 0470140925 | 2008 | PDF | 768 pages | 23.35 MB

10 books in 1 — your key to success with your laptop! Your one-stop guide to setting up, using, and troubleshooting a laptop. Who'd have thought there was so much to know about such a compact, convenient device? You need this handy book! It helps you pick a laptop, decide what extras you need (or want), use applications
for work and play, manage your power supply, join a network, keep your laptop safe and updated, and more.

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Small Business Server 2008 – Installation, Migration, and Configuration

Small Business Server 2008 – Installation, Migration, and Configuration

Small Business Server 2008 – Installation, Migration, and Configuration
Packt Publishing | 2009-04-22 | ISBN: 1847196306 | 408 pages | PDF | 11 MB

Small Businesses need to capitalize on the investments they make in IT to drive the business forward. SBS 2008 is uniquely positioned to deliver, but a poor implementation becomes a hindrance rather than a benefit to your business. Well implemented solutions enable your business to appear larger, yet more dynamic than many enterprises.
It’s easy to get Small Business Server 2008 up and running when you’ve got this book to hand. It helps you in a clear and friendly manner to understand how to implement SBS 2008 inside your business in a way that matches your business needs. The author’s experience enables him to share a tried and tested path to deliver the business benefits without becoming bogged down in unnecessary details that are not relevant to small businesses.
SBS 2008 is a fantastic investment for Small Businesses to make towards a well managed and highly functional IT solution in their business. This book is the culmination of many years advising small business owners and consultants on the recommend, tried and tested path to implement small business technology from Microsoft. Through this book you will gain an understanding of the features you can choose to use and then how to securely implement the server to deliver them. It will guide you through the installation and configuration process with the help of step-by-step instructions and plentiful screenshots. It will also explain how you can benefit from the collaboration tools based on SharePoint and how you can protect all your business data with a back-up process that covers anything from deleted files to a fire in the office.
Imagine how great you’ll feel when your Small Business Server 2008 is ready and working, and you can get back to surfing the Internet!
What you will learn from this book?
Install SBS 2008, based on Windows Server, 2008 into your business environment
Upgrade from SBS 2003 to SBS 2008 reliably
Securely configure network access and access from the internet
Enable Exchange 2007 for email, calendar, and contacts
Deliver collaboration tools based on SharePoint to improve finding and sharing of information across your business
Manage the updates and security of all the PCs in your business network avoiding viruses and data leakage
Empower people to work remotely away from the office, but be as productive as if they were in the office
Understand how to manage the services delivered to your users
Gain the basic systems management knowledge to start the task of keeping your server running smoothly
This book presents step-by-step guidance through the installation and configuration process with the help of numerous screenshots. It contains many snippets of information and guidance on decision making. As every eventuality can’t be covered, there are links to online information as well as pointers to forums the author personally interacts with to answer additional questions.
Who this book is written for?
This book is designed for anyone who needs to install and configure SBS 2008. You don’t need to be a technical consultant who wants to tweak every setting to become an SBS success. This book will help those with a basic understanding of technology and a desire to install and use SBS 2008 quickly and continue with their business.

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